PFOA freezes

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PFOA freezes

Post by hdradio »

Hello and happy new year.
The last days after updating to PFOA freezes at random times. It can freeze after one day or after 2 hours.
No error message, nothing. PFOA just freezes. I can only kill it from task manager.
I am not using any vst plugin.
How can I find what causes this ?
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by hdradio »

While looking at the debug log I 've found that program stops at line "DoPlayOverlay finished (CanResume=True, CurrentPlaylistWasAutoPlay=True)."

Look at the last debug logs lines:
1. at: 27/12/2017 18:29:24:
2. at: 31/12/2017 11:28:37
3. at: 31/12/2017 13:30:00

Code: Select all

27/12/2017 18:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' starting (2 Tracks).
27/12/2017 18:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' PrepareOverlayStream (2 entries found).
27/12/2017 18:28:25: CreateAndAddDownmixSourceStream: CreateSourceStream (-2147142528, D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Ώρες\General\Η ώρα είναι 18-30.mp3)
27/12/2017 18:28:25: CreateAndAddDownmixSourceStream: CreateSourceStream (-2147142524, D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Γενικά\2009\Πρόζες μόνο Studio 19\S19 μόνο 16 Όμορφη είναι η ζωή, όμορφη κι η μουσική.mp3)
27/12/2017 18:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' PrepareOverlayStream (2 Tracks, Duration=00:00:04.5470000, LengthNext=00:00:04.5470000).
27/12/2017 18:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' prepared (-2147142529).
27/12/2017 18:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' DoPlayOverlay started.
27/12/2017 18:28:26: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' ProgressChanged State=1.
27/12/2017 18:29:20: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' stopping playlists (SuspendOthers=True, PauseOnSuspend=False).
27/12/2017 18:29:20: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' Start Playback (ManualStartType=False, ManualPlayout=False).
27/12/2017 18:29:24: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' Playback finished.
27/12/2017 18:29:24: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' resuming playlist (WasAutoPlay=True, NeverAutoPlay=False, MODStream=None, ManualOperation=False).
27/12/2017 18:29:24: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' DoPlayOverlay finished (CanResume=True, CurrentPlaylistWasAutoPlay=True).
28/12/2017 15:09:39: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' ProgressChanged State=6.
28/12/2017 15:09:39: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' ProgressChanged State=10.
28/12/2017 15:09:39: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' ProgressChanged State=11.
28/12/2017 15:09:39: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-27T18:30:00' RunWorkerCompleted (CheckResumed=False).
28/12/2017 15:09:39: Overlay Player closed.
28/12/2017 15:09:39: PLS-PlayNext Μπαλάντες @ 27/12/2017 17:00:00 (StartAutoPlay)
28/12/2017 15:09:40: DJPlayerReport: Player=D, Event=TrackPlay: Studio 19 - ταξιδεύω με τη μουσική
28/12/2017 15:09:40: PLS-PlayNext PlayerCurrent=D (True).
28/12/2017 15:09:40: StartAutoPlay-PlayNext Μπαλάντες @ 27/12/2017 17:00:00: AutoPlay=True
28/12/2017 15:09:40: DJPlayerReport: Player=C, Event=TrackStop: Πρωτοψάλτη Άλκηστις - Όσοι γυρίζουν τσακισμένοι
28/12/2017 15:09:40: DispatchCommand: EXEC_WRITE_PLAYLIST_LOG 20171228_Μπαλάντες @ 27/12/2017 17:00:00
28/12/2017 15:09:40: DispatchCommand Reply: OK
28/12/2017 15:09:40: DispatchCommand: EXEC_WRITE_FILE D:\Studio19\proppfrexx\Log\NowPlaying.txt|nu|Studio 19 - ταξιδεύω με τη μουσική
28/12/2017 15:10:03: DispatchCommand Reply: OK
28/12/2017 15:10:03: DispatchCommand: EXEC_WRITE_GLOBAL_LOG 20171228
28/12/2017 15:10:03: DispatchCommand Reply: OK
28/12/2017 15:10:03: DispatchCommand: EXEC_WRITE_FILE D:\Studio19\proppfrexx\Log\Played\20171228.log|au|2017-12-28 15:10:03;D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Studio 19 χωρίς συχνότητα\Πρόζες\01 ταξιδεύω με τη μουσική.mp3

Code: Select all

31/12/2017 11:27:30: DJPlayerReport: Player=C, Event=TrackCueOut: Studio 19 - γιατί τα συναισθήματά σου έχουν ήχο
31/12/2017 11:27:30: Processing Script-Line 23 (Retries=160): 1 Random : Jingles ημέρας (πρόζες) (Filter=, Options=SuppressHistoryCheck)
31/12/2017 11:27:30: GetNextTracks processed, 1 script result entries returned (File=D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Studio 19 χωρίς συχνότητα\Πρόζες\62 Ακούω Studio 19 και δραπετεύω.mp3).
31/12/2017 11:27:30: DJ-Start C: loading track (Αλεξίου Χάρις - Το καράβι (live), AssignTrack-AssignNextTrackToPlayer)
31/12/2017 11:27:30: DJPlayerReport: Player=C, Event=TrackLoad: Αλεξίου Χάρις - Το καράβι (live)
31/12/2017 11:27:30: DJ-StartDone C: loading track (-2147343921, Αλεξίου Χάρις - Το καράβι (live))
31/12/2017 11:27:30: UpdateEntryStatistics 'Γαλάνη Δήμητρα - Το γράμμα και η φωτογραφία (Live)' PlayStart=2017-12-31T11:27:30
31/12/2017 11:27:31: DJPlayerReport: Player=C, Event=TrackPause: Αλεξίου Χάρις - Το καράβι (live)
31/12/2017 11:27:31: AssignNextTrackToPlayer (TrackCueOut): no player=C or already assigned1 (Cued, False)
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' (Soft) starts processing.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' start loading.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: OverlayScheduler: Overlay:Time is (half past), Command:Time Signal (Time Announce), Start:31/12/2017 11:30:00 processed
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' started by scheduler.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: TriggerRemoteClientsToCreateOverlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00': not triggered (no right, no region or not supported overlay).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' ProgressChanged State=0.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' starting LoadScript=Time Announce.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: ResolveEmbeddedScriptContainer Embedded Container started
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Processing Script-Line 1 (Retries=160): 1 LoadTrack : D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Ώρες\General\Η ώρα είναι ${start_HH}-${start_mm}.mp3 (Filter=, Options=SuppressHistoryCheck, SuppressAddHistory, ClearAllCuePoints, SuppressACPD)
31/12/2017 11:28:25: GetNextTracks processed, 1 script result entries returned (File=D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Ώρες\General\Η ώρα είναι 11-30.mp3).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Processing Script-Line 2 (Retries=160): 1 LoadTrack : D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Γενικά\2009\Πρόζες μόνο Studio 19\S19 μόνο 16 Όμορφη είναι η ζωή, όμορφη κι η μουσική.mp3 (Filter=, Options=SuppressHistoryCheck)
31/12/2017 11:28:25: GetNextTracks processed, 1 script result entries returned (File=D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Γενικά\2009\Πρόζες μόνο Studio 19\S19 μόνο 16 Όμορφη είναι η ζωή, όμορφη κι η μουσική.mp3).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: ResolveEmbeddedScriptContainer Embedded Container ended
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' LoadScript 2 Script-Tracks found.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' LoadScript finished 2 Total-Tracks (00:00:04.6260000 Playtime).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' finish loading.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' starting (2 Tracks).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' PrepareOverlayStream (2 entries found).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: CreateAndAddDownmixSourceStream: CreateSourceStream (-2147343877, D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Ώρες\General\Η ώρα είναι 11-30.mp3)
31/12/2017 11:28:25: CreateAndAddDownmixSourceStream: CreateSourceStream (-2147343873, D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Γενικά\2009\Πρόζες μόνο Studio 19\S19 μόνο 16 Όμορφη είναι η ζωή, όμορφη κι η μουσική.mp3)
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' PrepareOverlayStream (2 Tracks, Duration=00:00:04.6260000, LengthNext=00:00:04.6260000).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' prepared (-2147343878).
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' DoPlayOverlay started.
31/12/2017 11:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' ProgressChanged State=1.
31/12/2017 11:28:32: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' stopping playlists (SuspendOthers=True, PauseOnSuspend=False).
31/12/2017 11:28:32: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' Start Playback (ManualStartType=False, ManualPlayout=False).
31/12/2017 11:28:37: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' Playback finished.
31/12/2017 11:28:37: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' resuming playlist (WasAutoPlay=True, NeverAutoPlay=False, MODStream=None, ManualOperation=False).
31/12/2017 11:28:37: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' DoPlayOverlay finished (CanResume=True, CurrentPlaylistWasAutoPlay=True).
31/12/2017 12:22:32: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' ProgressChanged State=6.
31/12/2017 12:22:32: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' ProgressChanged State=10.
31/12/2017 12:22:32: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' ProgressChanged State=11.
31/12/2017 12:22:32: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T11:30:00' RunWorkerCompleted (CheckResumed=False).
31/12/2017 12:23:01: ONAIR Debug Log started. v4.0.4.9
31/12/2017 12:23:03: System.NullReferenceException
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at cJ.oe.Dx4d(Object  , FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs  )
   at ProppFrexx.ProppFrexx_ONAIR.QuickMonitorIsPlayingPaused()
   at ProppFrexx.ProppFrexx_ONAIR.eh1o()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()

Code: Select all

31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' LoadScript 2 Script-Tracks found.
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' LoadScript finished 2 Total-Tracks (00:00:04.5480000 Playtime).
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' finish loading.
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' starting (2 Tracks).
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' PrepareOverlayStream (2 entries found).
31/12/2017 13:28:25: CreateAndAddDownmixSourceStream: CreateSourceStream (-2147481151, D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Ώρες\General\Η ώρα είναι 13-30.mp3)
31/12/2017 13:28:25: CreateAndAddDownmixSourceStream: CreateSourceStream (-2147481147, D:\Studio19\Audio\OnAir\Jingles\Γενικά\2009\Πρόζες μόνο Studio 19\S19 μόνο 16 Όμορφη είναι η ζωή, όμορφη κι η μουσική.mp3)
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' PrepareOverlayStream (2 Tracks, Duration=00:00:04.5470000, LengthNext=00:00:04.5470000).
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' prepared (-2147481152).
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' DoPlayOverlay started.
31/12/2017 13:28:25: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' ProgressChanged State=1.
31/12/2017 13:29:56: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' stopping playlists (SuspendOthers=True, PauseOnSuspend=False).
31/12/2017 13:29:56: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' Start Playback (ManualStartType=False, ManualPlayout=False).
31/12/2017 13:30:00: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' Playback finished.
31/12/2017 13:30:00: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' resuming playlist (WasAutoPlay=True, NeverAutoPlay=False, MODStream=None, ManualOperation=False).
31/12/2017 13:30:00: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' DoPlayOverlay finished (CanResume=True, CurrentPlaylistWasAutoPlay=True).
31/12/2017 15:11:18: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' ProgressChanged State=6.
31/12/2017 15:11:18: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' ProgressChanged State=10.
31/12/2017 15:11:18: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' ProgressChanged State=11.
31/12/2017 15:11:18: Overlay 'Time is (half past)@2017-12-31T13:30:00' RunWorkerCompleted (CheckResumed=False).
31/12/2017 15:11:42: ONAIR Debug Log started. v4.0.4.9
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by Michel67 »

A few days ago I also had something strange, plf was completely silent, on the stream the titles were no longer worked, scripts did not work anymore. Eventually restarted the computer after which everything worked until now. Nothing to be found in the logs, strange all.
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by hdradio »

Yes. My streams ware also alive but no sound, no title updates.
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by radio42 »

I'll try to look at the logs... unfortunately next year I guess...
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by radio42 »

That's strange, as it doesn't seem to appear currently elsewhere - at least no-one else reported it yet.
Is there anything reported in your Windows Event log as a message?
Has anything else be changed recently, eg. a Windows Update or any other driver updates?

If it freezes totally randomly, I would assume, that it is caused by whatever system driver being in use, eg. probably the soundcard? But being honest, it could be anything, really hard to say and figure out I am afraid.
The only real change in the latest version is the use of a newer audio lib (bass) - so you might try to use an older version of the bass.dll (eg. from the previous version) to see, if that changes anything; or use this attached one (which is the very latest one, ie. maybe use the one out of the x64 sub-folder when using PF 64-bit):
(261.16 KiB) Downloaded 450 times
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by hdradio »

Maybe the problem is at the UI library you are using.
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by radio42 »

No, I don't think so, as it wouldn't block or freeze things and else more people would have recognized it.
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by radio42 »

Hi, I double checked my entire code, but I cannot find anything. There was also no change in code regarding the Overlay-Playout in the last versions. When looking to the log files it is also strange, that when you restart the PC resp. Kill PFOA, the following log lines still get written:
... ProgressChanged State=6.
... ProgressChanged State=10.
... ProgressChanged State=11.
... RunWorkerCompleted ...

These lines are executed asynchronous on the UI thread - which means, yes, the UI thread got somehow blocked!
However, nothing can in this scenario effectively block the UI thread, except a system issue.
This indicates, that some system/OS drivers blocks the UI.

In between I have also spoken with a few other customers which also heavily uses Overlays - and they do not experience any issues at all.
So it must be something else (outside of PFOA) which causes your issue.
At the moment I have no clear idea of what this might be.
I am almost afraid, we need to further see, if we can find any other pattern or reason - eg. any recently updated system driver or alike.
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Re: PFOA freezes

Post by radio42 »

Have you tried the new bass.dll I posted above - resp. the latest v4.0.4.10-update (which also includes them)?

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