Can i interrupt a running voice-track for breaking news?

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Can i interrupt a running voice-track for breaking news?

Post by Bumperke »

Hi Bernd.

Is there a possibility to interrupt a running voicetrack session with breaking news?
When I want to add a small voicetrack, created with Instant recording? I guess it's possible by just dropping the recorded file in between some running tracks the file is played.
But can there be an possibility for dummy's? Simple procedure, make instant recording. I see 2 possibilitys. Save as wave files for other options. Or an button 'play instantly'!
Maybe a future thing? I will makes voicetrack shows make actual I guess.
I'm curious to know.
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Re: Can i interrupt a running voice-track for breaking news?

Post by radio42 »

I am afraid I do not fully understand.
I assume you don't want to 'speak' your breaking news live; but (pre)record them?!

a) within a running playlist you can directly start 'Voice Tracking' - this would add a newly recorded file directly to your playlist

b) you can use 'Instant Recording' with the 'Add to Trackboard' option checked. In this case the recorded file will be placed to your Trackboard as a new entry.
You can now do the following from within the Trackborad to 'play' this recorded file:
1. drag and drop it into your running playlist to play it at a certain position within the playlist
2. drag and drop it directly onto any DJ Player to load it instantly to that player for immediate play out
3. right-click and select 'Add to Standby Player' in order to load it to a standby player for immediate play out from there

I am not sure, what exactly you mean by a button 'Play Instantly' - I could add something like this to the Trackboard, e.g. when used:
- the current playing playlist could be paused or stopped either soft or hard
(pause would pause the current track, stop would also eject it; soft would wait til the current track ends, hard would not wait)
- then the selected Trackboard entry would play til its end
- and after that the playlist would be resumed
-> this could actually leverage the existing Overlay Player

Is that what you have in mind?
Or are the above mentioned options sufficient?
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Re: Can i interrupt a running voice-track for breaking news?

Post by radio42 »

A new v4.0.3.8-update is available, which adds a 'Play Now' menu item to the Trackboard.
This allows you to select certain tracks in the Trackboard and thus they are played immediately via the Overlay Player.
There is a 'Play Now Immediate' and 'Play Now Soft' option available.

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