Programm broadcast once for an hour

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Programm broadcast once for an hour

Post by WimHP »


I am testing with ProppFrexx and if it works i want to use it for my radiostation Hollands Palet and i buy a legal version of ProppFrexx.
But now i have a question.

When i make a programm schedule with script, and i run the programm then the programm runs more than once. In the test script button i can see ` GetNextTracks processed,`. But i want to broadcast the programm once for an hour.

What do i wrong

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Re: Programm broadcast once for an hour

Post by radio42 »

I am not really sure I understand your question correctly.
However, I try to answer in the hope I did understand your question.

First we need to differentiate between a Program Scheduler entry and a Script.
When the program scheduler starts a program, it opens a new and empty playlist window and associate defined script to it. The playlist now queries tracks from this script whenever needed, so that tracks are added to the playlist, which should be played.
By default (unless you change the 'Continuous Mode' in the general settings, section Scripts/Scheduler) a program runs until a next program is started by the scheduler.
Thus, for this time (a program runs), the script replies to track requests by the playlist (as tracks are played, new tracks might be needed - this is what you see with the 'GetNextTracks processed').
The script itself (depending on how many script-lines you have defined) might, after some time, have executed all script-lines. Instead of stopping to reply new tracks, does the script now loop. Meaning it starts from the beginning (resp. the defined 'Loop-Line') again.
Thus a program can theoretically run forever... actually as long, as a new program is being scheduled.

When you want to run a program in recurring intervals; just click on the 'Recurring' button in the program scheduler entry. E.g. you can repeat a program entry weekly, daily or even hourly.
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Re: Programm broadcast once for an hour

Post by WimHP »

Hello Bernd,

Many, many thanks for the fast answer! I have to read en test it in the test version. I hope i understand.

Maybe for clarification. Example, i want from 18 till 19 hour broadcast a programm. Its one mp3 file
and then the music must come back from a kind of carrroussel. Then, from 22 till 23 hour another programm and its also one mp3 file of about 58 minutes. Then again the music machine carroussel must play again for the rest of the evening.


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Re: Programm broadcast once for an hour

Post by radio42 »

Not sure what should happen between 19:00 and 22:00 ?

However, for the 18:00-19:00 hour you can create the following script, with the following script-line (setting the Loop-Line to 2):
1. LoadTrack, C:\YourMusic\YourHourlyFile.mp3, Count=1, Options=SuppressHistoryCheck,SuppressAddHistory
2. Random, YourMediaLibrary, Count=1

Same for your 22-23 hour, a similar script is needed.
Note, that you can use the ${start_yyyy}, ${start_MM}, ${start_dd}, ${start_HH} and ${start_mm} macros within the script-line's entry value. These would be resolved to the effective start time of your program in order to create a single script using dynamic filenames.
E.g.: YourHourlyFile_${start_yyyy}${start_MM}${start_dd}_${start_HH}${start_mm}.mp3
would be resolved to e.g. YourHourlyFile_20170926_1800.mp3

For all other hours you might create different scripts, e.g. only using the Random mode.
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Re: Programm broadcast once for an hour

Post by WimHP »

Thanks Bernd again for the answer. I am going to work with your tips. And soon i will take a license when i can handle with ProppFrexx.


And between 19 and 22 hour there must be non stop music, just like all yhe other hours when there is no programm.

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