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meta tag data

Posted: 13 Feb 2019 12:50
by Bumperke
Hi Bernd.

I may have a very strange question for you.
I edit all music tracks in pfl mode and then save them with meta tag data in a fixed folder. If I put the files in a different folder where there are multiple music tracks and I open the file in PF, I do not see any in, disaster, next, out and other changes. How is that possible?

Re: meta tag data

Posted: 13 Feb 2019 15:13
by radio42
The default to save meta data is directly with the TAG data, which means everything is saved inside the audio file itself (which make copying more easy).

When using the meta data files (.pfmd), ProppFrexx does always save them next to the audio files in the same folder, but adding the .pfmd extension to it. When you need to copy or move the audio file to a different folder, you need to copy the .pfmd file with it. I.e. ProppFrexx always tries to open the .pfmd file in the same folder as the audio file - like a pair of socks, both files are next to each other.
When you use the 'Move/Copy to Folder' function from within ProppFrexx both files would be copied altogether.