Overlays in parallel issue

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Overlays in parallel issue

Post by XTended »


@Bert: It seems you have scheduled 3 overlays in parallel, with the following names:
a) News
b) Commerials
c) News+Commercials
All those have been combined - may be that's why you believe they played in parallel ?

Please send me you overlay calendar file as well as all related scripts etc. if needed.

I can safely log in after 19.00h so than I will collect the files and send you.
If I have 3 overlays in parallel that would be the problem. Cause I only see 2 overlays: fixed hour: news and after news the overlay commercials.

At 19.00 the news overlay starts with 2 jingles, than news (NOS-Uurnieuws). At the same time the news starts the commercials plays (5 tracks) at the same time!!
Before latest update we did not have this problem.
overlay_news_and_commercials.jpg (71.08 KiB) Viewed 4999 times
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Re: Overlays in parallel issue

Post by radio42 »

What does start in parallel?
I can clearly see all 8 tracks in your Overlay Player - as such the overlay player itself can not start in parallel!
If there is something playing in parallel, this can only be because a track might contain a NEXT cue-point (may be at the wrong position - or a track contains a track insert transition)!
I might assume the latter, as that is what was added to the latest release as a new feature!

So please check, if any of the tracks (probably "NOS-Uurnieuws") do contain any track insert transition options (that is a Special Element)?!
Also please check your "NOS-Uurnieuws" file, if it contains a NEXT cue point (maybe set too early, so it will start the next tracks already).
If not, then please load that track into your PFL Player and click to calculate the ACPD...and see if in this case a NEXT cue point is created and especially where.
Also check, if any of the tracks do contain any other transition options?!

If you can not find anything, please send me those audio files (incl. any .pfmd files if existing) and your script(s) used in the overlay entries.
Re: Overlays in parallel issue

Post by XTended »


The News overlay contains: Radio Aa en Hunze (short stationcall), Nieuws Aa en Hunze (announcement) and news (downloaded every hour)
The Commercials overlay contains: 12 hunebedden 1 geluid, Nieuwenhuis, Poelman, Serious Request and Welkom.

The news is playing parallel with the commercials...
So when the news start, the commercials start too.

As I said before: before version yesterday we didn't had this error. Nothing changed, only update to latest version.

No cue points !
I will send you the files after 23.00h now live show where they don't want me to break in their show :-(
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Re: Overlays in parallel issue

Post by radio42 »

I understood your issue and please read again what I tried to explain above!!!
a) NEXT cue-point counld be the reason
b) more probably: a Track Insert Transition!

No cue points mean they might be calculated (ACPD!).

But what about the Track Insert Transition?!
May be you have defined an "Automatic Track Insert Transition" - check your mixing settings for your 'News' media type, 'Jingle' media type and 'Advert' media type...
PLUS check your files, if they contain something like that.
Even if you download the news file again and again...may be you are using .pfmd files?
Only you can check this, as I do not know all your detailed settings!
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Re: Overlays in parallel issue

Post by radio42 »

After looking at the settings, it turned out, that the ACPD for the 'News' media entry type has never been set and that therefore the News got ACDP calculated and that it was simply the NEXT cue-point causing the behavior - so all worked as designed!
But as it is the cue-points you can safely use the latest version, but in your script set the following script-line options:
- ClearAllCuePoints
- SuppressACPD
And you should be done.
In addition you can adjust the Mixing settings for the Media Entry type 'News'...see general settings, section 'Mixing'.
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Re: Overlays in parallel issue

Post by radio42 »

We just did a TeamViewer session...the outcome was as expected:
The script they used contained for the NEWS track (resp. the related script-line) a "Track Insert Transition" - as such the sub-sequent Jingle and the News track where playing in parallel - just as defined in the Transition. so the overlay worked as expected and correctly.
We removed the transition - and all worked fine again ;-)

Funny enough, that no one remembered to have defined that transition...

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