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Error in Program Scheduler

Posted: 17 May 2022 15:00
by fred48fm

I got this error in program scheduler.
This happened in duplicating (ctrl+click) a reminder event and moving it backward.

Best regards

​17-05-22 14:46:47 [v4.2.7.6]:********** Error/Exception Information **********
Error Message: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Error Type: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Error Source: DevExpress.Data.v21.2.Void ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException()
********** System Stack Trace **********
at DevExpress.Utils.DXCollectionBase`1.ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException()
at DevExpress.Utils.DXCollectionBase`1.GetItem(Int32 index)
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native.AppointmentChangeHelper.BeginInternalDragDrop(SchedulerDragData dragData, ISchedulerHitInfo aptHitInfo)
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native.AppointmentInternalDragMouseHandlerStateBase.Start()
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native.AppointmentMouseDownState.OnMouseMove(PortableMouseEventArgs e)
at DevExpress.Utils.MouseHandler.HandleMouseMove(PortableMouseEventArgs e)
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native.SchedulerMouseHandler.OnMouseMove(PortableMouseEventArgs e)
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native.WinFormsSchedulerMouseHandler.<>c__DisplayClass56_0.<OnMouseMove>b__0()
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native.SchedulerLocker.DoLockedActionIfNotLocked(Action action)
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.SchedulerControl.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseMove(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at DevExpress.XtraScheduler.SchedulerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
********** End **********

Re: Error in Program Scheduler

Posted: 17 May 2022 19:15
by radio42
Thank for reporting this error.
Unfortunately I cannot solve this issue myself, as it happens in the scheduler component I am using. But I have immediately reported the issue to the vendor of the component, in the hope that they can fix the issue. I’ll let you know, when it is fixed.

Can you clearly reproduce the error?
As I tried it here also with a reminder and duplicating it, but was not successful.

Re: Error in Program Scheduler

Posted: 04 Jun 2022 20:39
by radio42
I now had various lengthy discussions with the UI vendor. But we all seem to be unable to reproduce the error.
It is still clear, that the error happened on your side.
However, we believe, that it must have been a single circumstance due to ‚whatever’s‘ coincidence.

If you are also unable to reproduce it, I am afraid we currently must leave it like this - in the hope it never happens again.