v4.3.4.5 - stable
v4.3.4.5 - stable
Version is out!`
What's New?
New 'pfpbatchtag.exe' tool:
This new command-line tool is included in the ProppFrexx installation folder.
It allows you to read tag data information from an input file and save it to the related audio file.
As an example, you might provide an export file from your external scheduling app or previous automation system to automatically TAG your specified audio files. Support formats are: Rivendell, Dinesat, DaletXml and DaletTxt as well as a freely configurable GenericXml and GenericTxt formats (see the pfpbatchtag.importformats file for examples on how to configure the genericxml or generictxt formats). Use "pfpbatchtag.exe -h" to print a detailed help.
New 'PFPlayer.exe' tool:
By popular demand, here is a standalone ProppFrexx Player, which can not only used to directly play any track (supported by a command-line parameter), but also to directly TAG any meta data values. I.e. it nicely integrates into your Windows Explorer (e.g. via this tool: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail ... C7BZZ28G0X) or it can be launched by any other 3rd party app allowing to integrate players. The track to play is given as a command-line parameter, e.g. "PFPlayer.exe C:\Music\Test.mp3".
What's New?
- Bug-Fix regarding (re)storing default values for voice tracking
- Default for CoverArt saving changed in the ProppFrexx Player tool
- New 'Suppress Overlays' option added for the MODStreamsWatcher
- Bug-Fix when connecting to silent OPUS streams
- New "pfpbatchtag.exe" tool added (import metadata)
- New "ProppFrexx Player.exe" tool added (external single player and tagger)
- Script-Tester optimized and async log updates/cancellation added
- MODStreamsWatcher 'Suppress Overlays' function optimized
- New *[TOINT macro function arguments added
- PFPlayer now remembers last folder
- Various optimizations and smaller bug-fixes
- stable
New 'pfpbatchtag.exe' tool:
This new command-line tool is included in the ProppFrexx installation folder.
It allows you to read tag data information from an input file and save it to the related audio file.
As an example, you might provide an export file from your external scheduling app or previous automation system to automatically TAG your specified audio files. Support formats are: Rivendell, Dinesat, DaletXml and DaletTxt as well as a freely configurable GenericXml and GenericTxt formats (see the pfpbatchtag.importformats file for examples on how to configure the genericxml or generictxt formats). Use "pfpbatchtag.exe -h" to print a detailed help.
Code: Select all
pfpbatchtag.exe -f=rivendell -i="C:\Export\rdreport.dat" -b="C:\My Music"
pfpbatchtag.exe -f=genericxml trackList/track -i="C:\Export\metadata.xml"
pfpbatchtag.exe -f=generictxt Music1 -i="C:\Export\export.csv"
New 'PFPlayer.exe' tool:
By popular demand, here is a standalone ProppFrexx Player, which can not only used to directly play any track (supported by a command-line parameter), but also to directly TAG any meta data values. I.e. it nicely integrates into your Windows Explorer (e.g. via this tool: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail ... C7BZZ28G0X) or it can be launched by any other 3rd party app allowing to integrate players. The track to play is given as a command-line parameter, e.g. "PFPlayer.exe C:\Music\Test.mp3".
Bernd - radio42
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
Re: v4.3.4.2 - stable
Hi Bernd, is it possible to make an option in 'PFPlayer.exe' tool: in the settings that you can select a fixed folder here so that when opening a track that you want to edit, this folder is always opened first.
Re: v4.3.4.2 - stable
I will add that to the next version (but probably just 'remember' the last used folder and try to open this one again)...
Bernd - radio42
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
Re: v4.3.4.3 - stable
In the new v4.3.4.3-update the PFPlayer.exe remembers the last used folder (of the last opened file).
Bernd - radio42
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
Re: v4.3.4.3 - stable
Hi Bernd,
Did you changed anything on the behavior of the global macro ${now} ? I give you an example :
During a show I use FixTime Script Elements to play jingles every hour. For years it was working fine like this :
Mode : Load Track / Checked box Repeat / Entry :
Since I updated ProppFrexx on the 14/02/2023, they are shifted by 1 hour (eg. Jingle 17h plays at 16:00). I can easily fix it by removing the "{+1}" but I am just curious if this change has been done on purpose.
Did you changed anything on the behavior of the global macro ${now} ? I give you an example :
During a show I use FixTime Script Elements to play jingles every hour. For years it was working fine like this :
Mode : Load Track / Checked box Repeat / Entry :
Code: Select all
A:\Broadcast\Jingles\Jingle *[DATE:{${now}}:{hours}:{+1}:{HH}]h.wav
Re: v4.3.4.3 - stable
No, nothing was changed with that macro (as far as I recall or remember)!
In a script (e.g. for a LoadTrack) the effective Starttime of the FTE is used as the date (in regular local time) to resolve the ${now} macro.
Note, that in other cases the real system time (also in local time) might be used.
In a script (e.g. for a LoadTrack) the effective Starttime of the FTE is used as the date (in regular local time) to resolve the ${now} macro.
Note, that in other cases the real system time (also in local time) might be used.
Bernd - radio42
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution