PFS xml question

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PFS xml question

Post by Thijmen »


I am trying to create a tool in C# to create my own dynamic PFS scripts.

Most of the nodes makes sense, except the <options> node in <line>

Why is options = 3 in the first node, but 0 in the second node? It would be nice to have some documentation around this file format for the future :)

Thanks in advance - keep on going :)
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Re: PFS xml question

Post by Thijmen »

IK guess it's an enum for something, but would you be able to share those here? :)
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Re: PFS xml question

Post by radio42 »

Correct, here are enum options being used - even, if not official (as you should normally use the UI to create your scripts):

public enum ScriptOptions
None = 0,
SuppressLateStartRollForward = 1,
ForceLateStartBeginning = 2,
RandomSequentialStartLine = 4,
UseLastTrackOnFinalFail = 8,
SuppressGlobalHistoryCheck = 16,
SuppressAdditionalHistoryCheck = 32,
SuppressGlobalRestrictions = 64,
SuppressTrackRestrictions = 128,
ResetExecuteScriptsToLoopLine = 256,
SuppressLocalRestrictions = 512,
UseLocalScriptRuleChecks = 1024,

public enum ScriptLineOptions
None = 0,
// effective scripting options
SuppressHistoryCheck = 1,
SuppressAddHistory = 2,
ClearMediaEntryOptions = 4,
ForceLibraryHistoryCheck = 8,
OnlyStrictHistoryCheck = 16,
ResetScriptPointer = 32,
AsEmbeddedHookContainer = 64,
AsEmbeddedContainer = 128,
// real media entry options
ClearAllCuePoints = 256,
ClearAllEventEntries = 512,
ClearAllVolumePoints = 1024,
SuppressACPD = 2048,
RecalcACDP = 4096,
KeepStreamLoading = 8192,
LoopEntry = 16384,
StopAtEnd = 32768,
SuppressFading = 65536,
KeepStreamAliveOrSuppressRestrictions = 131072,
SuppressOverlay = 262144,
SuppressGlobalLogging = 524288,
SuppressPlaylistLogging = 1048576,
SuppressBacktiming = 2097152,
SkipDuringAutoPlay = 4194304,
UseHookCuePoints = 8388608,
SuppressTrackInsertTransition = 16777216,
AutoPlayNext = 33554432,
StopAutoPlay = 67108864,
StartAutoPlay = 134217728,
SuppressSongTitleUpdate = 268435456,
SuppressFTE = 536870912,
ExcludeWithRandomStartLine = 1073741824,
ForceTAGReReading = -2147483648

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