Clearing all titl folders in cartwalls

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Clearing all titl folders in cartwalls

Post by Radiostar929 »

Hi Bernd How do you clear all the folder labeled under the cart walls. I would like to rename the folders and I am having trouble finding out how to do that and the num keys don't always work in firing the cartwall folders. any suggestions?
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Re: Clearing all titl folders in cartwalls

Post by radio42 »

Cartwalls are also playlists, like media libraries as well.
I am not sure what you mean by cartwall folders? And what folders should have to do with num keys?!
…you manage your cartwall libraries in the general settings resp. in the scheduler tab underneath the Libraries tab.

Libraries can be folder based or playlist based. Folder based libs just read in all tracks of that folder. While playlist based libraries are edited manually and can contain tracks from different locations and has the possibility to better control the position of the track within the playlist.

As each cartwall library is a playlist, the entry position of a track in the playlist determines its position and as such it’s number. I.e. the first cartwall playlist entry is the 1st cart, the second playlist entry becomes number 2 etc.

So you control the position of a cart (track) in a cartwall by its playlist position.
As such, only with playlist based cartwall libraries you can control this manually. Ie. for cartwalls, playlist based cartwall libs are recommended.

So to change the order of the carts/tracks within a cartwall lib, you simply open that cartwall lib as a playlist in ProppFrexx and edit it. That’s it.

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