Advertisement priority not working

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Advertisement priority not working

Post by rr002 »


I have read about the "priority" and "key" definitions from one other post.
Priority: (Campaign Prioriry)
A priority can be used to define the order in which campaigns are played within an advert-slot. Campaigns with a higher priority will be played first.
Note: When using campaign keys this priority might get shifted resulting in campaigns with a lower priority being played first, as the campaign key is evaluated regardless of the priority.

Key: (Campaign Key)
A key can be used to prevent, that adverts having the same key will be played out subsequently one after the other.
Note: This of course can not always be guaranteed, e.g. when using too less campaigns with different campaign keys.
Would it be possible that first is considered the key of the campaign and then the priority? Am using key option to avoid situation where ads with same voice aren't played one after another. Right now having a situation where one ad that for sure must be the first one, plays sometimes in the middle of slot or is the second one, though priority is the highest. Or should we come up with another solution to make sure the one specific ad is for sure the first one always?
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Re: Advertisement priority not working

Post by radio42 »

I guess I understand what you are trying to achieve, but this doesn’t match to what you request.

You ask, that first the key is evaluated and then the priority. This is actually what is almost happening. But I guess you mean it the other way around?! However, this is not really possible, as one of the two must criteria’s must be violated.
I assume, that you want an exception for the very first (highest priority) only.

I‘ll take a look… however.
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Re: Advertisement priority not working

Post by rr002 »

Thank you! Yes, you understood correctly. The exception would be great or if I insert a really high priority to some ad, then that the key wouldn't matter and the priority is what counts in the end. Would it be possible somehow?

Right now if I enter priority 120 and others are 50 and every ad has it's key (voice) then sometimes happens that the ad that has top priority, will be played at the bottom or in the middle of the advertisement slot, not as first.
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Re: Advertisement priority not working

Post by radio42 »

I took a look.
What can be done is, that I ignore the KEYs for priority values > 100 and only honor the KEYs for priority values less or equal 100.

However, KEYs and PRIORITYs can not be accounted at the same time.
Take the following example of 3 overlays:
1. Test1; Prio=99; Keys=D, E
2. Test2; Prio=50; Keys=A, C
3. Test3; Prio=10; Keys=A, B
This will probably result in the order: Test2, Test1, Test3.

This also means, that when you use a priority above 100, a subsequent overlay might violate the Keys order.
1. Test1; Prio=150; Keys=A, B
2. Test2; Prio=50; Keys=A, C
3. Test3; Prio=10; Keys=D, E
4. Test4; Prio=50; Keys=A, B
This will probably result in the order: Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4 - so the sequence Test1, Test2 matches the Prio, but violates the Keys!

Would this be okay?!
(I know, that you wish both, but this is technically and logically not possible in the example above!)
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Re: Advertisement priority not working

Post by radio42 »

Should be fixed in v4.4.1.5.

Campaign Keys are not honored for Priorities above 100 and below 0. So these priorities can be used to guarantee first and last play out order of campaigns.
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Re: Advertisement priority not working

Post by rr002 »

Thank You so much! That is very big help and solves the main problem of ours!

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