Automatich top of the hour

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Automatich top of the hour

Post by Soulmaster »

Hey :)

At the start of a new hour with new soms i would be nice if Proppfrexx could make some kind of a Top of The Hour samples from 3 of 4 songs that will be played in that hour..

A radiostation near by works with Jazler and they came with this.. would by great if Proppfrexx could do this .
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Re: Automatich top of the hour

Post by radio42 »

Yes, this is also possible in ProppFexx.
See here: viewtopic.php?p=16854

The way it works is, that you first create in a script-line with the 'UseHookCuePoints' or the 'AsEmbeddedHookContainer' option, eg. Count=3, ie. selecting 3 tracks in that script-line. Those hook tracks (your teasers) are internally placed into a queue. Later in you script you can now access this queue via the new HookQueue script-line mode. This mode now accesses the queue and picks the effective tracks you have teased before.

As a result you create a HookContainer (eg as your first script-line) and have a single playlist entry, which plays as a hook sequence (plus the Hook-Seperators around it, if defined).

So this could sound like this:
- "In this hour you will hear..." (Hook-Opener)
- "...Track1 between the Hook-CuePoints is played..."
- "...FX sound..." (Hook-Seperator)
- "...Track2 between the Hook-CuePoints is played..."
- "...FX sound..." (Hook-Seperator)
- "...Track3 between the Hook-CuePoints is played..."
- " stay tuned!" (Hook-Closer)

Note: to make it work properly, all your tracks you select in this first script-line must have hook cue-points defined!
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Re: Automatich top of the hour

Post by Soulmaster »


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