Dragging in tracks is different now

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Dragging in tracks is different now

Post by WTCS-FM96 »

When I select multiple tracks from a folder in Windows and drag them into the playlist, before they would just add to the playlist in sequence. Now it's asked if I only want the first track or an embedded container. I want what it did before it was changed. Can that just be an option as well? It's kind of a pain to drag tracks individually now.


Rick Winslow
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Re: Dragging in tracks is different now

Post by radio42 »

The Drag and Drop behavior has not changed since many years!
(so please explain what you mean with 'before' - or you mean 'before you noticed this existing feature'?, which works as designed...)

If you experience the following dialog (which is also there for these many years) - this is because you are dropping new tracks onto a node which is already loaded to a DJ Player - i.e. this is the same behavior as if you would drag those tracks directly onto the DJ Player itself. And you can only load a single entry to a DJ Player, but not a list of tracks (except you want to convert them to a container - hence the question):
Screenshot 2024-06-10 202443.png
If you want to add all selected tracks to the playlist, drop those tracks to a node after the nodes already loaded to a DJ Player - or press the ALT key...
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Re: Dragging in tracks is different now

Post by WTCS-FM96 »

Wierd. Since all players are loaded, cued and running. I drag the files onto the playlist window and get the notification. It had never done that before.
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Re: Dragging in tracks is different now

Post by radio42 »

Here it does not happen, if I just drag it onto a node, which is not loaded to a player. Or even drag it onto an empty playlist or a playlist with no players loaded.
Please reboot your PC - maybe a Windows issue?!
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Re: Dragging in tracks is different now

Post by WTCS-FM96 »

A reboot and update fixed it. Works like I had used it before.
Thanks for your help.

Everything else works just fine for me!

I talked with a guy in your area about a week ago on ham radio. 40 Meter band.

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