Preventing the same song from appearing twice in one day

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Preventing the same song from appearing twice in one day

Post by Happyhits_eu »

I have set a morning, afternoon, evening and night program in the scheduler.
All scripts have the setting as shown in the screenshot (See the attachment). Yet after a few hours the same song is played again.
How do I prevent the same song from being played again during the day?

Perhaps this happens because when starting a new script, the history of the previous scripts is no longer looked at.
If this is the case, how do I solve this problem?
Schermafbeelding 2024-06-11 161205.png
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Re: Preventing the same song from appearing twice in one day

Post by radio42 »

There is a global history instead of a script history! See the general settings, section history and logging.

But as the overall subject is quite complex, I suggest you visit the Tutorial Video post and watch the „Do not Repeat…“ videos - these explain all in detail.

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