midi mapping back to device

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midi mapping back to device

Post by robbedoeske »

As I mentioned before I am struggling with an Icon qcon pro midi device. I have already done quite a few things. What I am currently struggling with is it possible to also control the vu meters of the qcon by proppfrexx? And the qcon has motorized faders, can I also control them by PF so that they take up the position of the mixer? A lot of questions but I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
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Re: midi mapping back to device

Post by radio42 »

I am sorry, but I have no qxon.
I am not sure about the VU meters. As this would require almost an update every few milliseconds.

But the fader should be quite easy. Eg. you take the OnFader event of the respective mixer channel (see the control commands sub menu of the mixer channel) and map this to the related midi message.

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