New titles

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New titles

Post by claudius06 »

Hello Bernd,
When I import new tracks, PF plays them first instead of mixing them with the ones already present. Is there a way to avoid this?
Thank you,
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Re: New titles

Post by radio42 »

Depends on your script.
When you use the LastRecentlyPlayed mode, then obviously PF would first pick the new tracks as they have never been played so far…

Else you might use the standard Random mode, but that has is really random.
So maybe you just sometimes use in some script-lines the Random mode and in others the LeastRecentlyPlayed mode?!
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Re: New titles

Post by claudius06 »

I got it, indeed I had all my lines in LastRecentlyPlayed. So I changed some lines to Random.
Thank you for your explanations.
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Re: New titles

Post by claudius06 »

Hello Bernd,
I’m reviving this old post because I’ve noticed that even when using Random mode on certain tracks, I never see the latest titles in the playlist. And they are correctly tagged.
What could be the cause?
Thank you,
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Re: New titles

Post by radio42 »

I am sorry, just to understand you correctly.
In your first post you explained, that new tracks are always played first.
In your current post you say, that new tracks are now never played.
This seems unlogic, if you only changed some script-lines in which media libs are referenced in which those tracks appear.

However, to understand your logic, please post your entire script (eg. a screenshot) with all relevant script-lines. And note, in which media lib you are using your ‚new‘ tracks and describe how and when you reload your media lib.
Also post a screenshot on your related media lib.

And finally describe how you are testing things exactly.
Eg. maybe you forget to reload your media lib?
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Re: New titles

Post by claudius06 »

Thank you for your response.
You are right. I didn't mention it again, but the same thing happened with my new additions. A large part of the tracks was broadcast in the hour that followed, but almost no more after that.
I will send you the requested elements.
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Re: New titles

Post by radio42 »

So they are probably first played in your LeastRecentlyPlayed script-lines. And then rarely played after, except:
- all other tracks are equally played
- your random lines picks them by chance (depending on size of your media lib)
- your history settings are not violated

But I will take a look to what you have send.

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