sort by BPM

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sort by BPM

Post by Soulmaster »


1 got one map with a lot of music, to much to sort by hand. is it possible to make script libaries that sort on BPM's let's say libary one all music between 70 and 100 BPM, libary 2 all music between 100 en 120 BPM ect. ect.
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Re: sort by BPM

Post by radio42 »

Yes. You can create a playlist based music library and add all related tracks to it and then click on the BPM column header to sort it by BPM and finally save that playlist.
When you close the playlist and open it the next time the sort state might be gone, but the tracks will still be ordered.

Once ordered you can also just copy and paste all tracks in your BPM range to a 2nd playlist and save that one.

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