Reload Advertisement and Overlays

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Reload Advertisement and Overlays

Post by hdradio »

I sometimes see that the Schedulers->Reload Advertisement and Overlays is enabled so I click on it to reload them.
When this button is enabled ? Do I have to click on it everytime I change something to overlays or to adv manager ?
Is there any way to automatically detect changes and reload by itself ?
If am in my office and I use adv manager to make some changes, do I have to go to onair studio to click reload ?
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Re: Reload Advertisement and Overlays

Post by radio42 »

This is pretty much the same as with the media libs...
ProppFrexx always caches everything into such PF wouldn't recognize/update external changes unless you explicitly reload them.
The same goes with the Program Scheduler and the Overlay Scheduler.

The "Reload Program Scheduler" button is enabled, if the related program calendar storage has changed - meaning the program scheduler calendar file has been modified (e.g. by a 2nd ProppFrexx OnAir instance running on a 2nd machine).

The "Reload Advertising & Overlays" button is enabled, if the either of the following has changed:
- the related overlay calendar storage has changed - meaning the overlay scheduler calendar file has been modified.
- the content of the related advert path (e.g. any Partner- or News- folder) has been changed.
This might for example happen every time you invoke the ProppFrexx Advert and News Manager application from within ProppFrexx or by running it on a 2nd machine.

The related checks to enable/disable these menu items are carried out when you open the scheduler ribbon menu.

If the 'Reload...' items are enabled, this is simply an indication, that something within the Program resp. Overlay files/folders have been changed.
As such a reload might be useful, if you want to apply them immediately. This might not necessary be needed immediately - e.g. you just performed changes for the next days...

The Program and Overlay calendar (incl. the entire Advert and News Library) are always reloaded automatically every day at around 23:45 (and of course at startup of ProppFrexx). This to ensure, that at least once a day a reload is performed with the most recent data.
Else the reload is performed manually, either by clicking on the menu buttons you mentioned or by invoking a related control-command.

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