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Re: Cardwall / D&R Airlite

Posted: 26 May 2020 09:02
by franksiegers
I guess it could be one of two scenario's:

1. Only one cartwall would be active: Selecting a cart in cartwall II would 'disable' cartwall I.
2. One cart would be active between cartwalls: When selecting cart 3 in cartwall II, cart 3 in cartwall I would automatically be deselected.

With scenario 2 it would be possible by CTRL-click, to select carts in both cartwall I and II and to 'arm' them so they would be available on the airlite.

Hope this makes sense.



Re: Cardwall / D&R Airlite

Posted: 26 May 2020 15:54
by radio42
Ahh, so you would like to operate with your D&R buttons the 2 cartwalls in parallel?!
I am afraid, that this is not really possible.
But I’ll look into it what would be possible maybe in the future...

Re: Cardwall / D&R Airlite

Posted: 26 May 2020 16:13
by franksiegers
Great, thanks!