v4.3.1.0 - stable

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v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by radio42 »

Version is out!

What's New?
  • new UI lib update
  • new Audio lib update
  • new 'Artist Match' automatic Sweeper selection for Artist Intro features
  • EXEC_WRITE_PLAYLISTFILE doesn't write BOM for json files
  • new Script-Line mode HookQueue
  • new control-command PLS_CURRENT_APPEND_SCRIPT added
  • new control-command VT_PLAY_CART and VT_TALKOVER added
  • new control-command SHOW_MESSAGE_BOX added
  • new macros added ${plstrackguidcurrent}, ${plstrackguidnext}, ${cpltrackguidcurrent}, ${cpltrackguidnext}
  • various optimizations and smaller bug-fixes
  • stable
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by Kekke »

Installed, but after the installation, proppfrexx starts normally again, but not now. Also the shortcut on the desktop does not work .
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by Kekke »

Kekke wrote: 10 Jul 2022 12:37 Installed, but after the installation, proppfrexx starts normally again, but not now. Also the shortcut on the desktop does not work .
Fixed , my fault
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by wesleyw »

Good afternoon

After the last update, Proppfrexx no longer starts automatically.

If I start it manually.
I see it start up in the task manager and then shut down automatically.

Can you see where it goes wrong?

Hopefully answer before 17.00. because I have a live broadcast at 7pm.


Wesley Winands
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by radio42 »

No, it works for many other users just fine.
Do you see any error message in the file called Error.log!
Please also check, if there is a license issue or Ident-Number change and what last message is shown at startup, eg. where ProppFrexx got stuck…
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by wesleyw »

radio42 wrote: 10 Jul 2022 14:21 No, it works for many other users just fine.
Do you see any error message in the file called Error.log!
Please also check, if there is a license issue or Ident-Number change and what last message is shown at startup, eg. where ProppFrexx got stuck…
Hi Bernd,

The following log file Erro.log

10-7-2022 14:31:01 [v4.3.1.0]:********** Error/Exception Information
Error Message: The type initializer for 'DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject' threw an exception.
Error Type: System.TypeInitializationException
Error Source: DevExpress.Utils.v22.1.Void
Inner Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.Drawing.v22.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' or one of its dependencies. Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
********** System Stack Trace **********
at DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject.set_DefaultFont(Font value)
at Fq.NW.Main(String[] args)
Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.Drawing.v22.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' or one of its dependencies. Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Error Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Error Source: DevExpress.Utils.v22.1.Void .cctor()
********** System Stack Trace **********
at DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject..cctor()
********** Environment Stack Trace **********
at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at ProppFrexx.ErrorDialog.GetExceptionInfo(Exception e, Boolean full)
at ProppFrexx.ProppFrexx_ONAIR.AGiB(Exception )
at ProppFrexx.ProppFrexx_ONAIR.QGiA(Exception )
at DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject.set_DefaultFont(Font value)
at Fq.NW.Main(String[] args)
********** End **********

I can't find a new license key because proppfrexx doesn't even start.

As I mentioned, I see it start up but immediately shut down in the Windows task manager window.

Greetings Wesley
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by radio42 »

Hi Wesley,

the error indicates, that a new dll is somehow missing in the installation folder (not sure why, but I just cleared all caches and uploaded the installations/updates again).

You can also find the missing dll here: https://proppfrexx.radio42.com/download ... .1.dll.zip

Just unzip it to your ProppFrexx installation folder.

Many Greets and sorry for any inconvenience,
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by wesleyw »

wesleyw wrote: 10 Jul 2022 14:44
radio42 wrote: 10 Jul 2022 14:21 No, it works for many other users just fine.
Do you see any error message in the file called Error.log!
Please also check, if there is a license issue or Ident-Number change and what last message is shown at startup, eg. where ProppFrexx got stuck…
Hi Bernd,

The following log file Erro.log

10-7-2022 14:31:01 [v4.3.1.0]:********** Error/Exception Information
Error Message: The type initializer for 'DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject' threw an exception.
Error Type: System.TypeInitializationException
Error Source: DevExpress.Utils.v22.1.Void
Inner Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.Drawing.v22.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' or one of its dependencies. Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
********** System Stack Trace **********
at DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject.set_DefaultFont(Font value)
at Fq.NW.Main(String[] args)
Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.Drawing.v22.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' or one of its dependencies. Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden.
Error Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Error Source: DevExpress.Utils.v22.1.Void .cctor()
********** System Stack Trace **********
at DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject..cctor()
********** Environment Stack Trace **********
at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at ProppFrexx.ErrorDialog.GetExceptionInfo(Exception e, Boolean full)
at ProppFrexx.ProppFrexx_ONAIR.AGiB(Exception )
at ProppFrexx.ProppFrexx_ONAIR.QGiA(Exception )
at DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject.set_DefaultFont(Font value)
at Fq.NW.Main(String[] args)
********** End **********

I can't find a new license key because proppfrexx doesn't even start.

As I mentioned, I see it start up but immediately shut down in the Windows task manager window.

Greetings Wesley

Its Fixed with the missing file.

Thanks Bernd for your support!

Greets Wesley
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by Steve FamilyRadio »

Hello Bernd, could you tell us a bit more about the new function - new 'Artist Match' automatic Sweeper selection for Artist Intro features.

Thank you!
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Re: v4.3.1.0 - stable

Post by radio42 »

Sure. The so far existing feature picked a (length matching; eg. to fit into the Ramp time) track RANDOMLY from the selected cartwall lib.
This generates a nice, but general sweeper.

The new option does something similar, with a few changes:
- it also selects a random track from the cartwall, but filtering the cartwall with ONLY tracks matching the same Artist! This allows picking (if available) an Artist related intro sweeper, eg. to announce/feature the Artist.
- it always uses the mentioned transition, eg. if the Artist intro is too long (longer than the ramp time), the sweeper stays as a dedicated track within the playlist.

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