Blinking cardwall buttons D&R Airence

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Blinking cardwall buttons D&R Airence

Post by warmeman »

For my D&R Airlite, with the help of Bernd, I got the 16 buttons flashing when playing a jingle from the cardwall.
Row A 1-8 linked to Cardwall 1 and Row B 1-8 linked to Cardwall 2.
I did this with these commands:
Cartwall.I: OnCartwallChanged
Cartwall.I: OnCartPlay
EXEC_COMMAND2 ${cartid}|Equals(1)|EXEC_SEND_DRAIRLITE_SETLEDBLINK ${cartid}|2|0|1
Cartwall.I: OnCartPause
EXEC_COMMAND2 ${cartid}|Equals(1)|EXEC_SEND_DRAIRLITE_SETLED ${cartid}|2
Cartwall.II: OnCartPlay:
EXEC_COMMAND2 ${cartid}|Equals(1)|EXEC_SEND_DRAIRLITE_SETLEDBLINK *[TOINT:{${cartid}}:{add}:{8}]|2|0|1
Cartwall.II: OnCartwallChanged:
Cartwall.II: OnCartPause:
EXEC_COMMAND2 ${cartid}|Equals(1)|EXEC_SEND_DRAIRLITE_SETLED *[TOINT:{${cartid}}:{add}:{8}]|2
I have set these codes per button because I have some of the buttons green and some red.

Now I want to do the same with a radio colleague who has an Airence. I assumed this would work the same way, but the wrong button flashes every time. It probably has to do with the IDs of the buttons. At the Airlite the numbering is from A1-8 and number further at B1 with number 9. At the Airence is B1 2 and A2 3, B2 4 ect. But even if I keep that numbering, I can't manage to flash everything in the right way. Each time the wrong one blinks. The idea is that the playing card will flash green. Cardwall 1 has 8 jingles which is linked to A 1-8 and Cardwall 2 also has 8 jingles and is linked to B 1-8. Contrary to what I did with my airlite, there is no need for a combination of red and green, with the airence we want everything green.
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Re: Blinking cardwall buttons D&R Airence

Post by radio42 »

Yes, the Airence has a different numbering of the button IDs.

AIRENCE - for the LEDs: You need to map the ProppFrexx cart ids (Cartwall IDs 1...8) to the related button ids:
For Cartwall 1 -> Airence Column A:
1 -> 1
2 -> 3
3 -> 5
8 -> 15
For Cartwall 2 -> Airence Column B:
1 -> 2
2 -> 4
3 -> 6
8 -> 16
These mappings can be done with the following macro function:
For CW 1:

Code: Select all

For CW 2:

Code: Select all


AIRENCE - for the BUTTONs: You need to map a DnR button id to the related ProppFrexx cart id:
1 -> 1
3 -> 2
5 -> 3
15 -> 8
For Cartwall 2 -> Airence Column B:
2 -> 1
4 -> 2
6 -> 2
16 -> 8
These mappings can be done with the following macro function:
For CW 1 & 2:

Code: Select all

(both result in the same cart ids, i.e. 1..8)

* Note: the 'horz2 and vertmap macro functions will be added to the next verison (later today) for your ease of use!
(Here are for completeness your mappings for the Airlite/Webstation)

AIRLITE - for the LEDs: You need to map the ProppFrexx cart ids (Cartwall IDs 1...8) to the related button ids:
For Cartwall 1 -> Airlite Row A:
1..8 -> 1..8
For Cartwall 2 -> Airlite Row B:
1..8 -> 9..16
These mappings can be done with the following macro function:
For CW 1:

Code: Select all

${cartid}  (i.e. no mapping needed)
For CW 2:

Code: Select all


AIRLITE - for the BUTTONs: You need to map a DnR button id to the related ProppFrexx cart id:
For Cartwall 1 -> Airlite Row A:
1..8 -> 1..8
For Cartwall 2 -> Airlite Row B:
9..16 -> 1..8
These mappings can be done with the following macro function:
For CW 1:

Code: Select all

${cartid}  (i.e. no mapping needed)
For CW 2:

Code: Select all

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Re: Blinking cardwall buttons D&R Airence

Post by radio42 »

A v4.3.4.3-update is available with all the above mentioned macro function arguments.

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