Multiple Advertising instances on same PC

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Kyle FM
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Multiple Advertising instances on same PC

Post by Kyle FM »

We have a PC that is used to schedule playlist using our scheduler for multiple stations. We use "ProppFrexx Advertising" to schedule our advertisements and have a windows user for every station. Each Windows user contains their own configuration and path for the advertising scheduler.

Unfortunately we are only able to open one instance of ProppFrexx Advertising at the same time. If the program is open on User Account A it will not start when attempting to start the program on User Account B.

Could this be added such that we can have multiple simultaneous Advertising instances open?

Thank you.
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Re: Multiple Advertising instances on same PC

Post by radio42 »

I could add such feature, but in that case, I would charge for multiple instances.
E.g. when you like to serve 3 different stations, I would change for 3 licenses, even, if they run on the same PC. Guess this is fair.
Would you confirm this

So, I will put this on my ToDo list.
Kyle FM
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Re: Multiple Advertising instances on same PC

Post by Kyle FM »

Hi Bernd

We already paid for a lot of enterprise licenses for our play-out machines. The reason we cannot just schedule advertisements on our radio server is because ProppFrexx stops playing when disconnecting over RDP with audio enabled, because the virtual RDP audio device stops existing. So we have another separate server to schedule advertisements where we can also cue the advertisement for our radio stations.

We are not able to pay the amount of enterprise licenses we would need for a server that is only used for scheduling advertisements, not running ProppFrexx ONAIR. The actual radio servers have the proper licenses, as they are the servers playing back the actual advertisements, but we feel that scheduling and managing should be possible with just one license, which is what we do at the moment.

If you do not agree, we fully understand, so we will continue working with one scheduler at a time.
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Re: Multiple Advertising instances on same PC

Post by radio42 »

That ProppFrexx stops playing when you enable audio in your RDP session has nothing to do with ProppFrexx. It is Windows ‚taking away‘ the audio devices… this is nothing I can influence.

However, it might not be another full Enterprise license, but I guess you also understand, that I cannot offer new features for a multi-studio/radio environment just for free!
I have not even increased the license price yet according to the overall inflation nor have I switched to a yearly subscription or maintenance fee (like everybody else)… I am sorry, but I do not enter any license price discussions here.

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