Loop points

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Loop points

Post by csaba1986 »

Hi there,

I think the loop points and its automation could be very useful.

2 setting for manual loop points:
- A: Start from In Cue point the song, loop the into between the loop in and out points and manual exit.
- B: Loop between in and out point (as current setup) and manual exit.

2 setting for automatic loop points (Special Element)
- A: Start from In Cue point the song, loop the into between the loop in and out points and exit the closest time to the Ramp point (here the Ramp Cue point won't be exactly at the end of the Jingle / Voice over/ etc...
- B: Loop between in and out oint and end the loop exactly at the Ramp point (reverse automation where the Ramp point will be exactly at the end of the Jingle / Voice Over / etc... but the starting point will be at a random point in the loop.

For manual loop point would be nice to have an easy access to the loop points as now you need multiple click to be able to access. A button would be visible only next to the start, pause, stop button and if you right click on the button you can chose the manual loop option.

Might there are some great setting already but I didn't find it so it is not an easy access.

Thanks for considering,
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Re: Loop points

Post by radio42 »

Yes, loop points already exist since the beginning.
But as they are not heavily used by most users, this function was put only the UI when you use the large layout of the players …

But yes, those loops would require additional definitions of various settings as well. So I can put that on the wishlist!
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Joined: 15 Nov 2023 17:51
Re: Loop points

Post by csaba1986 »

Thank you! I think even hook containers can be included maybe in the feature so other users can add even manual commertial blocks on the into loops, etc.... I think it could be used in many ways which maybe not in the users mind currently but it will be once they see the opportunity. But thanks for put it on the wish list, appriciate it!

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