Script Line is being missed.

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Script Line is being missed.

Post by Cabzy »

Hi Bernd.

I'm creating a script, which has 20 entries running sequential
The line modes are Random, load a folder, load a track and sequential.

I have a folder with multiple 2 - 3 minute MP3's scheduled to run at particular intervals, however, every time I run a script test, the line items for the scheduled entry's is missed.

The created folder that contains 50 MP3 files has been created the exact same way as other folders that work as expected.

The folder is tagged as talk.

Proppfrexx can see the folder and has identified it contains 50 items.

I've relocated the folder several times in case I had incorrectly selected the path when adding the line to script edit.

no matter what I change, the line is always missed. (I may have overlooked something)

What could be causing this.?

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Re: Script Line is being missed.

Post by radio42 »

The script ‚Test…‘ function will a actually tell you.
I don’t know your exact script-lines and what exactly is missing - but most probably this is a history issue. Ie. a script-line is skipped because it violates your history restrictions…

See the log output of the script ‚Test..‘ function for details.

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