Better build in browser & webview dockpanel

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Kyle FM
Posts: 31
Joined: 29 May 2023 15:58
Better build in browser & webview dockpanel

Post by Kyle FM »

Hi Bernd

The current build-in browser is very outdated. It does not support JavaScript & most websites don't properly load, making it pretty useless at the moment.

I know we could use an external browser, which we do at the moment, but I want to use the internal ProppFrexx browser to display a custom website with some statistics about the radio (listener count, uptime, db values).

Is there a way to update this browser engine to something more modern?

Also it would be great to have a new dock panel that has a configurable URL to a local website in the settings, but doesn't have any controls/back button/address bar, to use as a build in WebView for our status page.

Thanks you!
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Re: Better build in browser & webview dockpanel

Post by radio42 »

Well, I am not sure, if I really want to enhance integrated browser control within ProppFrexx. Browser esp. with JavaScript become more and more complex. If I would all integrate that into ProppFrexx, everything becomes a single process- which is not the right design for scalability and stability reasons - as each flaw will fallback onto ProppFrexx.

That’s why I tend to suggest your approach, to run a separate browser process.

So what would be your benefit and special requirement/must have, that you want to run it all within ProppFrexx and not as a separate process?

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