Microphone on air but not in ears

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Microphone on air but not in ears

Post by claudius06 »

Hello Bernd,
Is it possible to configure the studio's microphone input so that it is not sent to the PFL, allowing me to monitor all inputs except the microphone, to avoid hearing myself with the delay caused by latency?
Thank you,
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Re: Microphone on air but not in ears

Post by radio42 »

Sure, you can route the input to any output or even to no output channel at all.
If you need making of clean feed, you can even rout it to a new output channel, which is not used for anything else then sometimes SNDing it to the PFL.

The delay/latency might come from not using a low latency ASIO device/mode.
Posts: 137
Joined: 25 Nov 2023 09:23
Re: Microphone on air but not in ears

Post by claudius06 »

Okay, I understand. Thanks again for your advice.

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