Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

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Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

Post by claudius06 »

Hello Bernd,
I have something strange happening in a playlist: I schedule an 'Embedded Container' in which I place an OVL (with promo spots). The event is present in the playlist, I can listen to it in PFL, but it is never broadcast. PF always skipped it. I don't understand why! I've noticed that on the line of the Embedded Container, there's an option displayed 'Suppress Overlay' that gets automatically set. Could this be the explanation?
Thank you,
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Re: Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

Post by radio42 »

Yes can be. That option will suppress any automatic overlays happening at that time.
Do you also use the Overlay Scheduler?
Note, that you can not mix the automatic Overlay Scheduler with manual overlays in the playlist.
You either have to place all overlays manually into the playlist or schedule all entries via the overlay scheduler.
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Re: Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

Post by claudius06 »

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I use the Overlay Scheduler but not at the same time.
In fact, it is a pre-recorded show composed of 3 parts, and to simplify things, between part 1 and part 2, I decided to broadcast a commercial break via an overlay, followed by a second overlay including the weather. It's something I've done before, and it worked perfectly. But for some reason, now when it's time to launch the first overlay, the system completely skips it and goes straight to the second one with the weather.
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Re: Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

Post by radio42 »

At the same time means in the same playlist or hour. If this is the case PF will skip the automatic overlay scheduler, because if an overlay is already in the playlist it might play duplicates. Ie. within the same program place either all overlays in the playlist or all in the scheduler.

But PF won’t skip overlays in a playlist. So if your overlay is in a container I can only assume, that the container can not be resolved.
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Re: Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

Post by claudius06 »

I can confirm that at the time I'm broadcasting this, I've been careful not to program any Overlays automatically.
So, if your overlay is in a container, I can only assume that the container can't be resolved.
: yes I think that's the problem. But, in this case, what is the solution?

PS: I need to correct something stupid I wrote in my last post: the weather isn't broadcast in an overlay, it's just scheduled normally after the other elements (at least, for this show).
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Re: Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

Post by radio42 »

Post your entire script(s) and your exact overlay (script) etc. maybe I can spot something. But without all the details, I cannot say it of course…
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Re: Embedded Container skipped by PFOA

Post by claudius06 »

I have sent you the information you requested.

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