Script year jingles

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Script year jingles

Post by Radiofreak »

I would like to do the following in my script: I want to play a year jingle once or twice an hour in a script, after which a record will be released from that same year.

Eg: Jingle: "This song is from 1978 bla...bla....". Then a song plays from 1978.

The songs have all tagged with the years. It must be the case that a different year jingle is selected each time so that you don't hear the same year every time. I have read this before with another broadcast software where a script could be written. My question is whether I can also create this in a script in PF.

Maybe it may be a strange question, but if you don't ask you'll never know. :D
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Re: Script year jingles

Post by radio42 »


Interesting request. But au am sorry to say, that this is currently not possible automatically.
But I’ll think about it, if there is an easy option for the future.
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Re: Script year jingles

Post by Radiofreak »

Hi, Bernd

Thank you for your answer.
If you ever have a solution for this, I'd love to see it posted. It's not a must, but it would be a nice addition.

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