Http URL Streaming

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Http URL Streaming

Post by Cabzy »

I have been given a http url link to stream, how can I schedule and execute such a link?

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Re: Http URL Streaming

Post by radio42 »

There are several ways:

1) create a dedicated program scheduler entry using a dedicated script and specify a script-line using the 'TrackLoad' mode and specify your URL as the script entry (or hold down the CTRL key while pressing on the '...' button).
You might then also specify the 'KeepStreamAlive' and 'KeepStreamLoading' options.

2) Instead of creating a new program entry, you might also modify an existing one and use the MODStreamWatcher feature to stream a URL on top of it.
E.g. you might specify the MODSTREAM_WATCHER_START command in the program's events for 'On Program Started' resp. 'On Program Starting'. And the MODSTREAM_WATCHER_STOP command in the On Program Stopping resp. On Program Stopped.

See here for more info about the MOD Stream Watcher: ... t=57&p=212

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