v3.0.11.26 - stable

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v3.0.11.26 - stable

Post by radio42 »

Version is out!

What's New?
  • New combined read-only Program/Overlay Scheduler added
  • New 'Input' program type added
  • New 'LineIn Feed' button added to Tool ribbon
  • Playlist Template Wizard enhanced
  • Better support for URL based File-Streams
  • new Control-Commands added
  • Duration limited Internet Stream bug-fix
  • Overlay Command assignment bug-fix
  • Startup and Shutdown optimized
  • Various other optimizations
  • Other smaller bug-fixes
  • stable

New 'Input' program type added
Scheduler Program entries typically have a 'Script' assigned to it, which is started and executed within the newly created playlist.
However, there are two 'special' modes available (the 'Input' mode is the new one added to this version):

a) <empty>
When not providing any script name at all and leaving this field empty, a so called 'Non-Scripting-Program' is created.
As a result any currently running program is stopped one time (just as for any other program), but no new playlist is created. Instead the 'old' playlist might simply be closed and the scheduler then waits until the next program is started.
This is typically used, when you have a live show or DJ performing in your studio and you want to kind of suspend any automatic scripting for that time.

b) >INPUT: <mixer-name>
This entry identifies an Input-Mixer-Channel instead of a script name also using a 'Non-Scripting-Program'!
When used, the related Input-Mixer-Channel is unmuted and faded-in for the time this program is running and faded-out and muted back again once this program ends.
You can select this new 'Input' mode directly from the 'Script' drop-down combo-box.

As such this new 'Input' mode comes in handy when you want to plan direct LineIn-Feeds (e.g. you want to take over a line input signal of a cetain mixer-input-channel as a regular program entry).

New 'LineIn Feed' button added to Tool ribbon
According to the above mentioned new Program Scheduler entry 'Input' mode a new 'LineIn Feed' button has been added to the 'Tools' ribbon tab.
This 'LineIn Feed' button acts as a toggle to trigger the new 'OnLineInFeedON' resp. 'OnLineInFeedOFF' events (see general settings, section 'Events/Commands' underneath the Applcation node).
When enabled the Application 'OnLineInFeedON' event is raised, when disabled the 'OnLineInFeedOFF' event is raised.
You might use these new system events to trigger the execution of any control-command(s), e.g. use the new 'MAIN_LINEIN_FEED_ON' resp. 'MAIN_LINEIN_FEED_OFF' control-command to effectively change any line input state.
This allows you to easily change the LineIn Feed even manually.

Playlist Template Wizard enhanced
The Playlist Template Wizard now allows you to directly include Overlays as playlist items.
Therefore a new 'Resolve Overlays to Playlist' option has been added to the wizard:
If this option is checked, any Overlays scheduled for this future dated playlist are resolved as regular playlist entries.
This means the respective overlays (due at that time) are inserted as regular playlist items (now being played out by the DJ Players instead of within the extra Overlay-Player). This supresses any automatic overlays being triggered by the Overlay Scheduler when this playlist is effectively being played out (this to prevent, that they are played twice).
Note: Changes made to the Overlay Scheduler later on are not considered. E.g. if you schedule a new overlay entry later on, this new overlay would also be supressed and not being played (as it might be missing as an individual playlist item).
Using 'embedded overlay playlist items' should be an all or nothing option. If at least one 'embedded overlay playlist item' is present within a playlist no overlay is automatically scheduled while such playlist is active.

This option might come very handy when planning future dated playlists for voice tracking, as here you might want to insert the planned overlays as regular playlist items, to align your voice over tracks accordingly (e.g. make sure a voice over doesn't interfere with an overlay item).
Note: Overlays scheduled with a Fixed start time are inserted with the FixTime-Element option enabled (to ensure, they still start exactly on time). You might change this in the 'Track Settings' option and e.g. remove the FixTime-Element option to play the item regularly (Soft).

Better support for URL based File-Streams
So far URL based File-Streams have not been allowed to be used in embedded containers - this is now supported.
URL based File-Streams are direct links to audio files within the internet (e.g. "http://somedomain.com/track.mp3" or "ftp://somedomain.com/track.mp3").
URL based File-Streams can now be used almost everywhere and offer more flexibility e.g. when designing your 'Scripts'.
As an example you might use a URL based File reference directly with the 'LoadTrack' action of a script to play a remote file directly from within the internet.

new Control-Commands added
Various new control-commands and macros have beed added (see the Appendix of the User Manual for a complete list):
New Control-Commands:
New Macros:
${lineinfeed}, ${islineinfeed}, ${progcurrentname}, ${progcurrentscript}, ${progcurrenttime}, ${progcurrentdesc}, ${prognextname}, ${prognextscript}, ${prognexttime}, ${prognextdesc}, ${VAR:name}

Note: v3.0.11.25 contains a bug-fix with the EXEC_TAG_FILE command, which was present in v3.0.11.24.

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