v3.0.11.39 - stable
v3.0.11.39 - stable
Version is out!
What's New?
'Try to resolve Broken Files by GUID' option added
See general settings, section 'Playlist Settings'. This options allows you to try to automatically correct any broken playlist entry (whenever a track is added to a playlist) by searching the file link (path) via its GUID within all your media libraries.
For example: You load a .pfp playlist file which contains tracks each having GUIDs assigned, but which was generated on another machine (and as such the given file locations are invalid). This option now allows you to find the correct file location by searching all media libraries by the given GUID.
A playlist entry is considered broken, if the related file link (path) is unavailable.
Note: If this option is checked, loading/adding of tracks to a playlist might take significantly longer.
New 'Asio Threads' audio option added
See general settings, section 'General/Audio' - you can now define the number of ASIO Threads to use (per device).
By default the ASIO driver itself does always create one thread for the channel buffer processing (minimum), but with this option, you can create additional threads to allow multiple channels to be processed simultaneously in multiple threads (if you are using a multi-core system).
NOTE: Changing this value requires a manual reset/restart of the related ASIO mixer-channels (or a restart of ProppFrexx)!
Powergold Program-Scheduler Importer added
A new Program-Scheduler Import module was added to support the import of log files create by the 'Powergold' scheduling solution.
In addition a new 'Powergold' export format was also added, which can be used to export your media library tracks to a tab-separated format.
Note, as the Powergold log-file format you can almost use the "Standard Automation Output". But you might want to add 4 extra fields to the end:
- EntryType (3-characters; containing the type of entry, like MUS, COM, PUB, TUS)
- CueType (1-character, containing the cue mode: @=Hard-Sync, +=Soft-Sync, |=Manual, *=Ends with Ramp of Next Track, :=Starts with Outro of Previous Track)
- FilePath (60-characters, containing the Hard Disk Location of the audio track)
- FileName (50-characters, containing the Filename of the audio track)
These four fields are however optional.
The "Misc" field should contain the unique GUID of the audio track (as exported from ProppFrexx to Powergold).
The fully qualified filename and path would be composed (if the GUID is missing) as: "FilePath + \ + FileName"
In case you have no idea what the "EntryType" and "CueType" is good for - just leave them empty (filled with spaces) or use the following default values:
EntryType = MUS
CueType = +
Here is the full Powergold log-file format specification:
<field name="Title" start="0" length="25" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="Artist" start="26" length="25" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="Machine" start="52" length="2" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="Magazine" start="54" length="1" align="left" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="Slot" start="55" length="3" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="Misc" start="59" length="32" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="CDNum" start="93" length="4" align="left" pad="0" format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="CDTrack" start="98" length="2" align="left" pad="0" format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="RunTime" start="101" length="5" align="left" pad="0" format="TimeSpan:MM:SS">${X}</field>
<field name="RunTimeSec" start="107" length="4" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="IntroSec" start="112" length="2" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="EndingStyle" start="115" length="1" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="DayOfWeek" start="117" length="1" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="StartDateTime" start="119" length="17" align="left" pad=" " format="DateTime:yy MM dd HH:mm:ss">${X}</field>
<field name="EventType" start="137" length="3" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="CueType" start="141" length="1" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="FilePath" start="143" length="60" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="FileName" start="204" length="50" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
What's New?
- LoadPlaylist vs. Continous Backtiming bug-fix
- 'Try to resolve Broken Files by GUID' option added
- New 'Asio Threads' audio option added
- Powergold Program-Scheduler Importer added
- Various other optimizations
- Other smaller bug-fixes
- stable
'Try to resolve Broken Files by GUID' option added
See general settings, section 'Playlist Settings'. This options allows you to try to automatically correct any broken playlist entry (whenever a track is added to a playlist) by searching the file link (path) via its GUID within all your media libraries.
For example: You load a .pfp playlist file which contains tracks each having GUIDs assigned, but which was generated on another machine (and as such the given file locations are invalid). This option now allows you to find the correct file location by searching all media libraries by the given GUID.
A playlist entry is considered broken, if the related file link (path) is unavailable.
Note: If this option is checked, loading/adding of tracks to a playlist might take significantly longer.
New 'Asio Threads' audio option added
See general settings, section 'General/Audio' - you can now define the number of ASIO Threads to use (per device).
By default the ASIO driver itself does always create one thread for the channel buffer processing (minimum), but with this option, you can create additional threads to allow multiple channels to be processed simultaneously in multiple threads (if you are using a multi-core system).
NOTE: Changing this value requires a manual reset/restart of the related ASIO mixer-channels (or a restart of ProppFrexx)!
Powergold Program-Scheduler Importer added
A new Program-Scheduler Import module was added to support the import of log files create by the 'Powergold' scheduling solution.
In addition a new 'Powergold' export format was also added, which can be used to export your media library tracks to a tab-separated format.
Note, as the Powergold log-file format you can almost use the "Standard Automation Output". But you might want to add 4 extra fields to the end:
- EntryType (3-characters; containing the type of entry, like MUS, COM, PUB, TUS)
- CueType (1-character, containing the cue mode: @=Hard-Sync, +=Soft-Sync, |=Manual, *=Ends with Ramp of Next Track, :=Starts with Outro of Previous Track)
- FilePath (60-characters, containing the Hard Disk Location of the audio track)
- FileName (50-characters, containing the Filename of the audio track)
These four fields are however optional.
The "Misc" field should contain the unique GUID of the audio track (as exported from ProppFrexx to Powergold).
The fully qualified filename and path would be composed (if the GUID is missing) as: "FilePath + \ + FileName"
In case you have no idea what the "EntryType" and "CueType" is good for - just leave them empty (filled with spaces) or use the following default values:
EntryType = MUS
CueType = +
Here is the full Powergold log-file format specification:
<field name="Title" start="0" length="25" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="Artist" start="26" length="25" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="Machine" start="52" length="2" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="Magazine" start="54" length="1" align="left" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="Slot" start="55" length="3" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="Misc" start="59" length="32" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="CDNum" start="93" length="4" align="left" pad="0" format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="CDTrack" start="98" length="2" align="left" pad="0" format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="RunTime" start="101" length="5" align="left" pad="0" format="TimeSpan:MM:SS">${X}</field>
<field name="RunTimeSec" start="107" length="4" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="IntroSec" start="112" length="2" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="EndingStyle" start="115" length="1" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="DayOfWeek" start="117" length="1" align="right" pad="0" format="int">${X}</field>
<field name="StartDateTime" start="119" length="17" align="left" pad=" " format="DateTime:yy MM dd HH:mm:ss">${X}</field>
<field name="EventType" start="137" length="3" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="CueType" start="141" length="1" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="FilePath" start="143" length="60" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
<field name="FileName" start="204" length="50" align="left" pad=" " format="String">${X}</field>
Bernd - radio42
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution
ProppFrexx ONAIR - The Playout and Broadcast Automation Solution